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I Will Not Remember Your Sins

Daily Devotional – Thursday, September 22, 2022
I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.
Isaiah 43:25 (NKJV)

I recently attended a meeting where my government sought the contributions of the public on the Power of Mercy Amendment Bill. Once enacted into law, this legislation will guide the president in deciding the prisoners pardon.

There were mixed feelings and opinions. On one hand, there were those who believed that convicted criminals should serve their full punishment. Others felt that repentant and reformed inmates deserved pardon, early release from prison, or a shortening of their sentences.

When we Remember the Sins of Others

It reminded me of an American citizen who was denied entry into Australia because of his criminal past, despite having served 30 years in jail. He had reformed and had not committed any crime for more than a decade. With his criminal past hanging on his neck and obliterating his present, he had no hope of a normal life. He asked loudly, “What was the need for paying for my crimes if I still suffered for them every day?”

Unfortunately, that is how the human system works. We never forget the wrongs people do to us. It does not matter what measures our offenders take to express their sorrow and placate us. We still hold their sins against them. At the slightest excuse and opportunity, we remind them how sinful they are. We are also victims of similar treatment from those we hurt.

I Will not Remember Your Sins

In contrast, God assures us, ““I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.” (Isaiah 43:25). The LORD does not hold our past sins against us every time we offend Him. Once He erases our sins, he treats us as if we have never transgressed. It does not matter how far away we have fallen. He wipes away our sins and bids us start on a new slate.

Imagine if we adopted the same attitude towards our offenders! How many relationships would we give life to? Would our homes, schools, and workplaces not be little heavens down on earth? If we embraced this gift of deliberate forgetfulness of others’ sins and the accompanying guilt and pain, how much personal joy would we experience?

Forgive and Forget Others’ Sins
Is there a person you have not forgiven? Do you hold grudges? Is the pain worth it? Jesus invites you to forgive your oppressors and to remember their sins no more. After all, that is what Jesus does and continues to do with you.

Lord Jesus, teach me how to forgive others and remember their sins no more. I want to be like you.

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Charles Ouma

Amen!When God forgives us, He makes a very important promise to us. Unlike humans He does not keep account of our sins. He is omniscient but He chooses to forget our sins off all thinks. How merciful is our God.
And I will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:12)
Wow! Now, what a remarkable promise.

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