Daily Devotional – Saturday, May 27, 2023
For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me. He shall set me up upon a rock.
Ps. 27:5 (NKJV
The dog barked menacingly at the little girl then went after her. The scared girl looked around quickly. She saw her father seated in front of their house. In her time of trouble, she knew her father would hide her. She ran and hid behind him.
He Shall Hide Me
The father faced the ferocious animal on behalf of the scared girl. The dog eventually ran away. It could not pass by the security provided by the parent to harm the child. The parent hid the child when she faced danger.
We find a similar scenario in Psalm 27. David expresses his desire to remain in the presence of the Lord for a unique reason. He states, “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion. In the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me. He shall set me high upon a rock.” (Psalms 27:5).
Finding Refuge in God
In the initial verses of this psalm, David describes his enemies as an army of wicked people. He then expresses his confidence in God and affirms that he will not fear anyone. Like the young girl hiding behind her father for protection from the threatening dog, David celebrates God, His refuge.
We, too, can enjoy the privilege of having God as our hiding place during trouble. Many of the problems we face, and which perplex us, would be less intimidating if took them to God’s presence or tabernacle.
In the Time of Trouble, He Shall Hide Me
If we trusted less in our wisdom and strength and more in the power of God, our fears would fade and victory would be ours in spiritual and temporal affairs. As we allow God to fight our battles, He strengthens our faith and gives us power to overcome.
There would be great achievements where there is none today if we learned to take our fears and burdens to God and to face our challenges with confidence. If you ask Him today, God will hide you during trouble. Do not live in fear when you can hide in God.
Dear God, thank You because You will hide me in my time of trouble.
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Hide me God
Amen, Pastor.