Daily Devotional – Sunday, June 11, 2023
It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn Your statutes.
Psalms 119:71 (NKJV)
The old sweeper had reached his melting point. Every day, the old big tree would shed its uncountable leaves and this would give the caretaker additional work. Every day, he suffered both physically and psychologically.
The Tree of Affliction
One day, he approached the manager.
“Boss, I have a special request. If you grant me this one, I will be more efficient in my work.” The caretaker said.
“Anything for you, Tim.” The boss answered enthusiastically.
“Please cut down the old tree.”
“It sheds leaves continually. I rarely have time to rest.”
“Have you thought about the consequences of the action you are proposing?”
“Yes. All I know is that you will never complain about my work again?”
“Alright. Go back to work. I will see what I can do.”
The Tree of Affliction
One day, he approached the manager.
“Boss, I have a special request. If you grant me this one, I will be more efficient in my work.” The caretaker said.
“Anything for you, Tim.” The boss answered enthusiastically.
“Please cut down the old tree.”
“It sheds leaves continually. I rarely have time to rest.”
“Have you thought about the consequences of the action you are proposing?”
“Yes. All I know is that you will never complain about my work again?”
“Alright. Go back to work. I will see what I can do.”
The Flipside to Misery
The following day when the sweeper reported for duty, the tree was gone and so were the leaves. He felt overjoyed and rushed to the manager’s office to express his gratitude. The door was open because the manager was expecting the caretaker.
“Thank you, Sir.” Tim said.
“Thank you, too, for your dedicated years of service to this company. Here is your severance pay and your recommendation letter.” The boss told the shocked sweeper.
“Are you dismissing me? Why?”
“There is no work for you. The tree you asked me to cut down was the source of your work. There are no more leaves to cut.”
It is Good that I was Afflicted
The sweeper had plotted his own downfall. What he thought was his source of suffering was actually his source of livelihood. Had he appreciated the discomfort of his job, he would have continued earning a living.
Thousands of years ago, David stated, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn Your statutes.” (Psalms 119:71). The psalmist appreciated suffering because it taught him divine principles hence increasing his trust in God.
The Rewards of Affliction
Whether in spiritual or material matters, discomfort should be a source of learning. We often complain about challenges in our marriages, families, jobs, communities, families, churches and other spheres. Many times, we pray and do our best for the problems to go away.
If we were keen, we would realize that when troubles assail we tend to grow closer to God. Our difficulties lead us to our knees and the Bible. We seek for righteousness more than before. Our focus is on eliminating any sins that might hinder our access to the Almighty.
Is Suffering Good?
Thus, instead of complaining and asking God to take our problems away, it would be better to ask for grace to endure and overcome. If God allows us to suffer, He has a noble reason for it. Strange as it sounds, suffering is good when God allows it.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the moments You allow me to suffer because it is for my temporal and spiritual good.
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