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Just When You Have Lost All Hope

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Shout for joy… For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.

Isaiah 49:13 (NKJV)

The widow’s life was in turmoil. The sorrow of losing her husband was still heavy on her heart. For some time now, she had taken comfort in her only son. Together they had faced tough challenges. Then the bad news came. Her son was dead.

In a society where people attributed sickness and death to individual sin, stigma from her neighbours was increasing. Some might have concluded that the death of her son was punishment for her alleged role in her husband’s demise.

With immense grief and pain, she followed the funeral procession as it made its way out of the town. In her eyes and those of her fellow mourners, there was no hope for her. After the burial, she would retreat to her humble abode and await her own funeral.

Little did she know that this was to be her most joyous day. Jesus had walked for over 50 kilometers, over the roughest of terrain, to show kindness and compassion to this woman. This uphill perilous journey from Capernaum to remote Nain did not matter as long as Jesus brought happiness to this poor family.

An Encounter With Hope

Luke gives a captivating narration of Jesus’ encounter with the widow. “When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, ““Don’t cry.”” (Luke 7:13). Jesus had compassion on the widow. He understood her sorrow. He was here to comfort her.

Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. (Luke 7:14-15).

Take a moment to absorb the widow’s joy. Look at the woman hugging her son, the odour of death notwithstanding. Watch the tears rolling down her face. The bewildered son cannot utter a word. All he hears are the shouts of joy and songs of praise from the crowd.

Like the widow of Nain, you may have come to the end of all your efforts. Your life may be getting more complicated by the day. The people around you are not offering much hope. Sorrow is your portion.

Take heart because Jesus has planned and organized circumstances in your favour.  God’s message through Isaiah is for you, too. “Shout for joy, …For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.

Just when you have lost all hope, Jesus will come through for you.

Lord Jesus, give me hope and comfort where none exist, humanly-speaking.  

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No giving up. No losing hope.

Erastus Theuri

A very encouraging devotional. Thank you for sharing.

Charles Ouma-

Indeed when sometimes hope becomes just a word in our lives , Jesus makes it an experience, a reality.. His grace and compassion still amazes me.. Thanks to the lord of compassion 🙏

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