Daily Devotional – Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Matthew 6:26 (NKJV)
I was walking in the woods when I came across a fallen tree that was beginning to rot. I looked for a comfortable spot and sat to relax. Not far from where I was, a bird dug out some maggots from the rotting wood and ate heartily.
On the opposite side, several other birds were feasting on ants. Some bids would pick the nutritious meal and fly to nests in nearby trees to feed their offspring. Do birds ever go hungry? I guess not.
Making Melody
Not long after, the satiated birds perched on their favourite spots and began to belt out beautiful tunes. I could hear the discordant voices of innumerable weaverbirds coming from the large tree they had colonized.
“Is that all birds do for an entire day?” I asked myself. Wake up early in the morning, stretch your limbs, do a little preening, belt out wonderful tunes and fly out to look for food. Get you fill. Feed your offspring. Perch on a tree. Sing. Retire to the nest. Repeat tomorrow.
Look at the Birds of the Air
I contrasted that lifestyle with mine and was shocked. Even as I sat there enjoying a demonstration of bird life, I remembered there were several challenges waiting at home. I wished I could stay in the woods with my feathery friend and forget my worries.
Then I remembered the teachings of Jesus on worrying: “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26).
Living Like a Bird
What if I went about my life like a bird and allowed God to lead me as He wills? Of course, I would not laze about in my nest (bed) the whole day. I would go out to earn an honest living and God would lead me to my daily bread.
This attitude would translate into less stress and illnesses, reduced conflict, more joy and productivity, and a happier and longer life. It is time I started paying closer attention to birds. After all, I want to be as happy and carefree as them.
What do birds teach you about not worrying and trusting God fully?
Heavenly Father, because You take care of birds, and I am of more value than birds, I am confident You will take care of my needs.
Instead of living in anxiety we should trust in God and pursue His kingdom and righteous and all our needs are taken care of. Indeed we are of worth than the birds, psalmist asks “who is man or the son of man that you are mindful of him. “God is ever mindful of us , having our best Interest in mind, having made us a little lower than the angels He cares for us,He anticipate our needs and fills them.
So instead of worrying let’s casts all our anxiety in Him for He cares.
What a powerful insight, Doc! God bless you.