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Let No One Despise You

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.
Titus 2:15 (NKJV)

For individuals who want to guide and impact others in their faith, today’s key text provides a compelling and unambiguous direction. It discusses the difficulty of being true to one’s calling and purpose in the face of rejection or contempt.

Rebuke With all Authority

Paul gives Titus a mix of reassurance and guidance in his instruction. Teaching with authority is about authentically imparting the knowledge and direction that comes from God, not about imposing one’s will. It involves articulating God’s values with clarity and firmness while simultaneously showing compassion and support.

In the face of disdain or contempt, we are expected to uphold our honor and mission. Our fidelity to God’s calling determines our worth and efficacy in ministry, not the opinions of others. The phrase “let no one despise you” refers to maintaining our composure and refusing to let other people’s unfavorable opinions compromise our identity or purpose in Christ.

Let No One Despise You

Paul exhorts us to persevere and defend our calling and faith with honesty and integrity. Regardless of what people think, we can be true to our calling and be effective in it by accepting our authority, teaching with balance, and finding our trust in God’s favor.

When required, be prepared to correct others while also making an effort to raise and encourage those around you. Remind yourself that God, not human approval, is the source of your usefulness and worth when you are met with criticism or rejection. Let no one despise you.

Dear God, give me the fortitude to stick to my goals and not let the contempt or criticism of others deter me from Your path.

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