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Let Us Return to the Lord

Daily Devotional – Sunday, August 18, 2024
Come, and let us return to the LORD; for He has torn, but He will heal us. He has stricken, but He will bind us up.
Hosea 6:1 (NKJV)

Hosea’s calls for God’s people to “return to the Lord,” serves as a reminder that although God has permitted us to feel damaged and hurt, it is in these instances that His capacity for healing is most palpable.

He Will Heal Us

God promises to restore whatever is harmed, even though the process of going back to Him may require us to face the broken and wounded parts of our lives. He heals our wounds from the inside out, not just the surface.

There is much power in the imagery of restoration and rebirth. “He will bring us back to life in two days. We shall be raised by Him on the third day.” Even if it seems like our spiritual life is over, we can have faith that God will intervene to resurrect us.

Let Us Return to the Lord

Returning to the Lord also means acknowledging Him completely, which entails sincerely seeking Him, comprehending His methods, and arranging our life to suit His desires. It is a journey of persevering through difficult times in faith.

Think back to any instances in your life where you may have strayed from God. Think for a moment about His restorative and healing ability. In what ways can you actively pursue your relationship with Him right now? Never forget that God is always willing to welcome you with open arms and give you a second chance if you return to Him.

Father in heaven, thank You for inviting us to return to You. May You heal our wounds and lift our downcast spirits.

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