Daily Devotional – Saturday, September 2, 2023
And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.
John 12:32 (NKJV)
Two people are arguing on religious matters. A third person pulls away one of the angry men, and tells him, “I sent you to win souls, not arguments!” In other words, our work is to lift Jesus up and not to belittle fellow human beings.
The Impending Cross
The Apostle John recorded an incident shortly before the death of Jesus, when Christ Himself hinted at this evangelism strategy. The Son of Man was anxious because of His impending death but He decided to soldier on to the cross.
God the Father spoke and assured Jesus of Heaven’s endorsement of the mission to save humanity. When the people around Jesus heard God’s voice, they started speculating. Jesus told them that they were the actual audience of God’s message.
If I Am Lifted Up From the Earth
Now, looking forward to His heroic death on the cross and the concomitant humiliation of Satan, Jesus told His audience, “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” (John 12:31-32).
His persecutors planned to use the cross to humiliate Him but the same cross would be the focal point of salvation. Those who would lift their eyes towards Calvary, and by faith accept Christ’s sacrifice on their behalf, would be saved. All people, not just Jews, would have an equal chance of salvation as long as they believed in Jesus.
Lift Jesus Up!
Today, Jesus calls on His faithful disciples to lift Him up. Our work is not to waste time in aimless arguments meant to humiliate others. As long as we elevate Him through our exemplary conduct and speech, and by way of Bible-based teachings, He will attract people to Himself.
You are most effective as a soul-winner when your life revolves around Jesus. When Jesus becomes the centre of your life, you lift Him effortlessly and the world turns to Him because of your testimony. How will you lift Jesus up today?
Lord Jesus, reveal to me the best way to lift You up wherever I am.
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