Daily Devotional – Wednesday, November 1, 2023
…and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.
1 Thessalonians 4:11 (NIV)
The term ‘ambition’ is often associated with aggressiveness in pursuing a goal. An ambitious person will use all means (sometimes negative ones) to achieve an end. It is, therefore, oxymoronic for Paul to urge the Christians in Thessalonica “to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” (1 Thessalonians 4:11).
Aspire for This
Paul uses words whose meanings contradict each other (‘ambition’ and ‘quietness’) to emphasize that just as these believers formerly loved a riotous life, they should now aspire to leave quietly. The Greeks of the day loved partying and engaging in mob activities. As idol worshippers, they would participate in wild parties that involved immoral acts.
Now that they have followed Jesus, the Thessalonians must make a U-turn and allow the Holy Spirit to transform them into quiet and peaceable people. A change of attitude and temperament, as evidenced through godly speech and behaviour, will differentiate Christians from idol worshippers.
Make this Your Aim
Leading a quiet life means obeying the laws of the land and being at peace with both believers and non-believers. It entails avoiding quarrels and conducting oneself honestly and honourably. A quiet person is humble and easy to deal with. He or she can easily influence others to follow Jesus.
Our situation today is similar in some aspects to that of 1st-century Christians. In a world that is preoccupied with the pursuit of unbridled pleasure, partying, and riotous behaviour, God calls upon us to pursue a peaceful life by all means. By ourselves, we cannot attain this ideal. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, though, it is possible.
Make This Your Ambition
Can you say with confidence that your ambition is to lead a quiet life? Is your current life fundamentally different from the time you had not accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Will you allow the Holy Spirit to come live in your heart and start or continue with the work of inculcating peace in your heart? Aspire to lead a quiet life.
Dear God, my ambition is to lead a quiet life. Come and live within me so that I may achieve this noble aspiration.
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Amen! Sometimes a happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet and peace that true joy comes, helping us be in harmony with others, avoiding trouble and cultivating an attitude of love.
Amen, Elder.