Daily Devotional – Saturday, May 6, 2023
Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD.
Jeremiah 8:7 (NIV)
My country hosts many migratory birds. They travel from colder European waters to our warm tropical lakes where they lay their eggs. Later, after the chicks are old and strong enough to fly, the bird families make their way back to their original homes.
My People are Ignorant
I recently read about scientists who tracked a bird. It flew on a definite path, mostly along River Nile It would rest at night and proceed with the journey during the day. It had no compass or Google Maps but it arrived at its destination with precision.
Now, long before the advent of digital trackers and the study of migratory birds, their Creator delivered this powerful imagery, through Prophet Jeremiah, “Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD.” (Jeremiah 8:7).
Understanding God’s Judgements
Is it not amazing that wild birds, with no human-like intelligence, could be so attuned to natural laws than the children of Adam, who were created in the image and likeness of God? What is it that wild fowls do that we neglect so that we fail to comprehend God’s will?
The answer is in how creatures relate to the laws of the Creator, both natural and moral. Birds do not argue with God. They obey without question. When God tells them to migrate to warmer areas, they fly thousands of miles, across continents.
The Blessing of Obedience
Again, at the appointed time, migratory birds travel back home without losing direction or forgetting their destination. Because they are in harmony with God’s universal laws, they enjoy their stay on earth and rarely lack anything.
You can almost here the anguish in God’s Lament, when He says, “But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD.” How I wish they would obey me without question! Their life would be as carefree as that of birds. I would direct their paths as precisely as I do with birds.
My People Do Not Know
Every time we choose to disobey the principles God has established to govern the universe, the earth and our lives, we become dumber than wild animals. We cannot disobey God and avoid disease, misfortune and pain, among other perils.
Do you know the requirements of God? Are you conversant with the physical, health and moral laws governing the universe? Do you know that your success and wellbeing depends on how faithful you are to the laws of God? Align yourself to God’s laws today and see how happy and fulfilling your life will be.
Heavenly Father, teach me Your will and give me the power and willingness to align myself to You.
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Wow! Never got a better explanation of this verse as this.
Indeed when we live by the principles and natural laws like the birds and other creatures does, then we’d also be successful and in good relationship with our creator
Amen, Doc.