Devotional – Thursday, November 3, 2022
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalms 84:10 (NKJV)
Most doorkeepers I know are jovial people. A well-trained guard mans the gate with a smile and makes visitors feel comfortable. He is the bridge between the visitors and the goodies in the house.
The Blessedness of being in God’s Presence
The doorkeeper also receives many benefits just for doing his job. He is an insider who knows what goes on in the house and enjoys the goodies therein. While he is just a menial worker, he is considered part of the bigger family.
In Psalms 84, the Sons of Korah celebrate the blessedness of being in the house of the Lord. They love being in the sanctuary and the presence of God. Even the sparrows and the swallows make their nests in the tabernacle.
Manning the Gates with Pleasure
Indeed, “Blessed are those who dwell in Your house.” (Verse 4). “They go from strength to strength.” (Verse 7). The more they praise and worship God, they more they succeed. They have nothing to fear when they are in God’s house.
The privilege of being in God’s presence is so precious that one can say with the Sons of Korah, “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Verse 10).
How to Enjoy Gatekeeping
You do not have to be a priest or a Levite to revel in God’s presence. The church may not have appointed you to a senior position. Even though your position is as insignificant as that of a gatekeeper, you can enjoy being in God’s presence.
The joy of being a gatekeeper in God’s house is in knowing you are safe now and for eternity. It is in listening to God’s voice every day and seeing people receive Christ through your ministry. Such proximity to God elicits this remark: “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand” elsewhere. (verse 10).
O The Joy of Being a Doorkeeper in God’s House!
Today, seek to dwell in the presence of God. Let God dwell in your heart through the Holy Spirit. Read and meditate on the word of God wherever you are. Lift your thoughts in prayer to God, anywhere anytime. Be the gatekeeper that ushers others into the presence of God.
Loving Father, I just want to experience the joy of being a doorkeeper in Your House.
Thank you my brother for this. I love being a doorkeeper in the house of God!
We will even do better being doorkeepers to the gates of heaven; joyfully inviting all to behold the beauty therein and having a company of their loving Father.
To this is life everlasting. Amen
Great, Danvas. We will remain in the presence of the Lord, no matter the role we play.
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