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Occupy Until I Come

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, September 10, 2024
And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, “Occupy till I come”.
Luke 19:13 (KJV)

Jesus tells the parable of a nobleman who gives his servants resources and instructs them to “occupy” or “do business” until he returns. This command has significant ramifications for how we are to practice our faith while we await Christ’s second coming.

Do Business Until I Return

The parable emphasizes the value of diligence and obedient stewardship. While we wait for Jesus to return, we have an obligation to actively participate in the work that God has given us, both in the temporal and spiritual aspects of our lives.

God believes in us, just as the nobleman believes in his servants. Our “minas” are the resources, abilities, and gifts He has given us to employ for His kingdom. We should use our opportunities and skills to enhance God’s work on earth, just as the nobleman in the parable expected the servants to increase and invest what they had received.

Occupy Until I Come

This entails carrying out our duties with diligence, be it in our employment, relationships, or gospel ministry, knowing that our efforts serve a higher good. It suggests active participation and engagement. Instead of doing nothing with the talent God has given us, we are to use them wisely and productively.
What are you engaged in as you wait for Jesus to return? The world looks upon us as believers to exemplify the virtues of Christianity, hence attracting others to the kingdom of God. In our daily lives and activities and in the practice of faith, may the world notice that we are occupying till Jesus comes.

Lord Jesus, please enable us to occupy till You come by faithfully managing what You have given us.

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