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Power Belongs to God

Daily Devotional – Saturday, February 18, 2023
God has spoken once, twice I have heard this, “That power belongs to God.”
Psalms 62:11 (NKJV)

One of the truths I have learned to cherish is that power belongs to God. The Bible uses the stylistic device of repetition to accentuate this fact. Throughout my teaching experience, I have used this device to emphasize salient points.

Strength Belongs to the Lord

I see a similar trend in the Bible. The Holy Spirit, using about forty writers, placed similar messages in different books of the Bible. There is a huge timespan between Genesis and Revelation but Moses and John respectively present the same message about God.

Every time, therefore, when we come across repeated messages, we must realize God has an important communication that He is emphasizing. For example, in Psalm 62:11, David makes this significant statement: “God has spoken once; twice I have heard this, “That power belongs to God.””

God is Almighty

This statement is typical of Hebrew scriptures that aim at emphasizing a point. In essence, it is worth noting what David is about to state. The repeated messages demands our attention and action, where necessary.

The truth the psalmist is emphasizing here is, “Power belongs to God.” Pause for a moment to ponder this profound truth. Throughout human history, man has made the acquisition of power an obsession. We see this in political contestations, armed conflicts, and boardroom wars, among other arenas.

Power Belongs to God

The statement, however, leaves no doubt as to who is the Sovereign ruler of the universe. When human beings become powerful, wealthy and influential, they tend to forget God is the source of those privileges, responsibilities and blessings. When He pleases, God may take away His power and leave such individuals powerless.

On the flipside, if you are under oppression, disrespect and ridicule from those in power, remember their privileges are transient. God will not allow them to misuse their power against the less privileged for long. Power belongs to God and He gives or withdraws it according to His will.

Almighty Father, thank You because power belongs to You. Teach me to use with humility the privileges You have given me. In addition, give me patience and faith whenever others oppress me using the power You have given them.

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