Daily Devotional – Thursday, July 8, 2021
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
Luke 18:1 (NIV)
We live in a world of instant gratification. It is no longer just instant coffee. Technology has created a remote-controlled existence, where almost all our needs are a button or a phone call away.
Unfortunately, we now appreciate shortcuts and detest the longer virtuous route to our goals.
In Luke 18:1-8, Christ told a parable whose teaching are in contrast to a life of instant gratification. “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart…” (v. 1).
The widow in this story did not give up when the unrighteous judge denied her request for justice. She continued to plead her case. One day, the judge decided he had had enough of her. He granted the widow’s request.
This parable demonstrates unyielding determination to acquire what one desires to have. Many of us are guilty of giving up too soon. We have no faith in the process. What we want is instant results.
We abandon or change jobs, businesses, relationships, careers and interests if they do not bring immediate desirable results.
What we need is patience and perseverance like the widow in the parable. Your physical growth is a process, and so is your spiritual development.
Those who win are the ones who learn to persevere through the hard times. They defy criticism, ridicule, rejection and even betrayal by their closest friends.
Between you and your desired goal are obstacles. Will you persevere and not give up until you reach your goal?
Father, give me faith and inner strength to work through the challenges between my desired destiny and me.
What is your opinion of today’s topic? Please let me know through your comments. God bless you abundantly.
Wonderful Spiritual insight Munene.It is true Many of us,esp.youths need instant results.But how I pray,is that our Good Lord will give us Grace to persevere in hardships and wait for His promises in our lives.May He help us to have internal eyes,to see the Good plans he has kept for each one of us.Amen🙏
Be blessed for your comments and for adding value to this devotional, Chairman. Yes, young people need this message more than ever.
We often loose faith when things go wrong oror on undesirable direction.How I pray that God will give us more grace to trust him more and have patience with the process..thankyou for this insight mkubwa.
Thank you, Juster, for your insight. Indeed, our God would have us be patient and learn through the process of life.
Wow! I normally read this chapter and hear many people make reference from it but this morning i have a new insight, “unrighteous judge denied her request for justice”let pray for our systems to be ruled by righteous people brethren .Thumps up Dr.
The word of God is alive and dynamic. The Holy Spirit impresses on us new meanings as we study the Bible. That said, thanks for your contribution, George. Be blessed.
the violent take it by force. no giving up Sir, we are here to stay.
Interesting, yeah? I should write on that verse one day soon. Be blessed.
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