Daily Devotional – Monday, July 12, 2021
And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty.
1 Corinthians 12:23 (NKJV)
At the centre of many school unrests are cooks. Students may riot due to poorly cooked or delayed food. In most cases, that is when the school administration appreciates the importance of a cook.
The same is true of other ‘low-level’ occupations. It is the when the toilets reek that we remember the person who cleans them. You may not value a cobbler until your shoe is torn.
A car mechanic is just another dirty, oily fellow until your car breaks down. Unless the farmer gets dirty and sweaty, you will starve; even with your money in the pocket.
The Apostle Paul used the analogy of the body and its parts to explain the importance of all members of the church. We can extend the same comparison to our communities.
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul considered each member of the body of Christ to be important. He says, “And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body?” (v. 16).
Paul adds, “And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor…” (v. 23).
Think of the grocer, plumber, carpenter, tailor, guard, messenger, driver, clerk, house helper and other support staff. Do you appreciate the service they render to you?
What can you do today to make better the life of a person below your job rank, income and wealth levels?
Heavenly Father, help me to be considerate of the feelings and needs of everyone around me.
Today, we focus of people who are very important in our lives, yet we rarely appreciate them. What is your experience with such people? Do we usually treat them as they deserve? Let other readers know your thoughts through your comments.
True, let’s value everyone.
Thanks you, Pastor. Blessed day and week ahead.
Blessed with the devotion
Be blessed, too,Becky, and keep reading.
Am Humbled by the Scripture.It reminds me of the less unappreciated in both our families & Society.May God teach us oftenly to appreciate His creation🙏..I think,James 5:4..Look! The wages you failed to pay the workermen who mowed your fields are crying out against you.” The scripture also is related. Blessed Week Ahead all🙏🙏
Your insights always enrich this page, Ronny. Baraka tele
The issue of workers being denied their rightful pay and being sacked unfairly is a manifestation of this problem of despising those in lower ranks. God is not pleased when we do so. Thanks you, Ronny, for this reminder.
Great Teaching Munene.May God give us Grace to Appreciate His creation🙏🙏..James 5:4..Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you…the reading relates… Blessed week ahead to All🙏
Great contribution, Ronny. God bless you.
Indeed many a times we look down upon the less fortunate and those who are not so abled in our midst not really appreciating them, but as the savior once said, the least shall be made the greatest and actually one of the criterias to be used in the Great harvest will be service to mankind specifically the less fortunate, ,how i pray that we don’t neglect this lest the savior neglects us that day too.
That is the truth, Brian. God bless you for your contribution and May He make us considerate of others.
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