Daily Devotional – Saturday, October 30. 2022
Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?
Psalms 85:6 (NKJV
Restoration, revival, and reformation are closely linked with the theme of blessings and curses. Obedience to God and His law attracts blessings. Rebellion would result in suffering and death.
Whenever the Israelites abandoned God and worshipped idols, He would allow enemy nations to invade the land, destroy property, kill people, and take others into captivity. Conversely, when the people repented, He would free them from captivity and restore them to Canaan.
Restore us, O God
For example, because of Judah’s rebellion, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, killed Jews, and took many into exile. Seventy years later, God brought back the Jews from captivity. They rebuilt the temple, the city and its wall, and their homes. God revived them again.
This is the theme in the eighty-fifth psalm, which was written by the sons of Korah. God has returned His people from captivity, which was a product of their rebellion (verses 1–2). The psalmists plead with God, “Restore us, O God of our salvation, and cause Your anger toward us to cease.” (Verse 4).
Awakening with Joy
Restoration goes hand-in-hand with spiritual revival. Therefore, the psalmists beseech the Lord, “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Verse 6). Without genuine spiritual awakening, the people will soon return to their sinful ways.
Sincere reformation, though, will bring joy to the people. When we accept God’s forgiveness and experience the power of the Holy Spirit, we will exhibit joy in attitude and conduct. Because God forgives unconditionally, His forgiveness brings wholeness and joy.
Revive Us Again
To continue experiencing the joy of restoration and revival, though, the Israelites must fulfil one condition: “But let them not turn back to folly.” (Verse 8). They must not forget that “His salvation is near to those who fear Him.” (Verse 9). In essence, they must undergo gradual reformation.
We serve a merciful God. He is ready and willing to forgive our waywardness if we repent and renounce our evil ways. That is the only way we can experience restoration, revival, and reformation—the kind that brings divine joy. Let us return to God so that He may revive us again.
Lord Jesus, I submit to Your will today. Forgive me. Revive me again and give me the joy that only You can give.
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