Daily Devotional – Friday, November 18, 2022
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands. Your walls are continually before Me.
Isaiah 49:16 (NKJV)
In yesterday’s devotional, we learned that God has Maternal Instincts. Thus, He will never forget us, His precious children, unlike earthly mothers. Today, we examine a key reason for this precious promise.
Growing up, I played games, climbed trees, rode bicycles, went fishing and engaged in mischief. Childhood activities and adventures were fun but they left me with wounds, pains and scars.
I have inscribed you on My hands
The numerous scars on my body remind me of specific incidences and accidents. Sometimes I wonder how I survived some ordeals. In hindsight, though, I realize each wound is a story and a testimony of God’s love and protection.
Because of His maternal instincts, God, too, has scars. Let us combine yesterday and today’s key texts to get a clue. God proclaims:
“Can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely, they may forget. Yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands. Your walls are continually before Me.” (Isaiah 49:15-16).
Wounds on Calvary
As a guarantee that He will never forget us, His nursing children, God cites the greatest demonstration of His unconditional love. He says He has carved with an iron object on His palms. When He looks at His hands, He remembers how precious we are to Him.
For the Israelites, to whom Isaiah delivered this message, this statement may not have made sense the way it should to us. You see, more than two thousand years ago, Roman soldiers, in concert with Jewish leaders, drove nails into the palms of Jesus before He died on the cross.
Scars in the Palms of His Hands
When resurrected, He had scars on His body. Thomas, one of Christ’s disciples, demanded to see the wounds to confirm that indeed it was the risen Lord. When He ascended to heaven, Jesus bore the scars and will forever bear them to commemorate our salvation.
Now you know why Jesus will never forget you. Whenever He looks at the scars in His palms, He remembers His sacrifice on your behalf. Jesus forgives you, watches over your going in and coming out, heals your diseases, gives your life and happiness, and loads you with blessings.
Thank You, Jesus, because You have engraved me in Your palms. Because You died for me, I know You will never forget me.
We are precious and so important in God’s eyes though Satan tries his level best to realise this.
You are right, Elder. We must not allow ourselves to lose the privileges that come with God’s immense love and care. God bless you.