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Speak, for Your Servant Hears

Daily Devotional – Sunday, February 19, 2023
And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.”
1 Samuel 3:10 (NKJV)

Young Samuel is an apprentice under the tutelage of Eli, the High Priest. Samuel holds the old cleric in high regard. Therefore, when a voice calls Samuel’s name one night, the young man runs to where the priest is resting and says, “Here I am, for you called me.” (1 Samuel 3:5). As expected, Eli denies calling Samuel and tells the boy to return to bed.

Speak; Your Servant is Listening

Shortly after, Samuel hears the same voice and rushes to Eli who dismisses the young man like before. When Samuel returns to Eli the third time, the ageing priest realizes it is God who is calling Samuel. The High Priest instructs his apprentice on how to respond when God calls again.

When God calls a fourth time, Samuel answers, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” (Verse 10). Finally, God has the attention of his budding servant. No longer will Samuel rely on Eli to know God’s will. That is the first major test of Samuel’s readiness for the mission ahead of him.

I am Listening

Like Samuel, before we know God at personal level, we tend to rely solely on our parents, guardians, friends and spiritual leaders to understand Him. For God to use us effectively, though, He wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him. This entails knowing God’s voice and being ready to obey Him.

God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. He impresses our consciences and senses with messages on how to find life’s purpose and follow it. The voice of God is also in the pages of the Bible. If we listen keenly, this experience will be ours: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,”” (Isaiah 30:21).

Speak, for Your Servant Hears

Are you listening to God? Do you recognize His voice? Can you tell the difference between Eli’s voice and God’s voice? Today, if you hear God calling your name, say like Samuel, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” He has a mission for you and only you can accomplish it.

Dear God, speak, for Your servant hears. I will do whatever You ask and go wherever You send me.

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charles ouma

Indeed, Listening to God when He speaks is as important in our day as it was to Samuel .
May I have the willingness to obey and be receptive to God’s voice when He calls.

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