Daily Devotional – Saturday July 29, 2023
He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends.
Proverbs 17:9 (NKJV)
It is not easy to forgive, especially when you are deeply hurting – physically and / or emotionally. For some people, it is quite hard to forgive and the pain lasts a lifetime. Others have to move away from people who harmed them and the places where the offenses happened for them to experience peace.
He Who Covers a Transgression…
It takes divine power to forgive and bury the hatchet. A person who chooses to forgive and reconcile with her aggressors demonstrates the love that can only emanate from God because the human tendency is to bear grudges and to revenge.
According to King Solomon, “He who covers a transgression seeks love…” (Proverbs 17:9a). Covering an offense does not mean it did not happen. It implies that one considers peace and mutual existence more important than holding on to personal hurt.
He Who Repeats a Matter Separates…
In contrast, “… he who repeats a matter separates friends.” (Proverbs 17:9b). Instead of allowing pain that is buried to continue rest, this person resurrects and rubs it in. At the slightest excuse, this individual revives wounds hence destroying relationships.
From another perspective, relationships are partly built on forgiveness, concessions and sacrifices, some of which are painful and must be allowed to rest. If one revives a controversial issue over which reconciliation had been achieved, he separates close friends.
Resuscitating Transgressions
This proverb emphasizes the need for wholehearted forgiveness and letting go of past hurts. It makes no sense to live in the past and continue experiencing pain. Rather, we need to find ways overcome the past and focus wholly on the present.
Are you holding on to past pain that you refuse or find hard to forgive? Do you keep referring people to their past sins hence damaging your relationships further? Instead of reaping the consequences of resurrecting offenses, let them remain in the grave of the past.
Stop Resurrecting Offenses
Imitate God. When He forgives you, He does not keep reminding you of your past. He actually treats you as if you have never sinned. Do the same with those who have pained you because. Stop resurrecting offenses!
Heavenly Father, teach me how to stop resurrecting offenses and causing others and I unnecessary pain.
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Amen! Many times we walk with offenses and anger issues of the past, even among the professed Christians, the faces in church covers frustrations from others, friends, families,work associates etc..but the will of God to us is that we forgive others and we too shall be forgiven. “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”Matthew 6:15.
May God help me to listen to the wise counsel in His word and demonstrate His divine love by forgiving others who offend me.
Powerful insights, Doc.