Daily Devotional – Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 (NKJV)
My childhood was enjoyable partly because of protection from my two older brothers. They were my strong and reliable bodyguards. No bully dared touch me. Those who did lived to regret their actions.
My only obligation was to remain close to my siblings and follow their instructions. My safety was guaranteed as long as I remained under their protective wings.
Submit to God
I find a similar principle at play in James chapter 4. From the onset, the writer emphasizes that the solution to wars and fights among Christians is to give God control over one’s life. He wraps up this section by stating, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6).
In view of this assertion, James states, “Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7). The sequence of actions in this verse is well- reasoned. Character transformation is a process in which a Christian has an active role.
Resist the Devil
It begins with surrendering our lives to Jesus. Submitting to God means He has total control over our thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. When we obey God, we enjoy His protection. Like my two brothers, God fights the enemy on our behalf.
If we try fighting Satan without God, the evil one will destroy us. However, from the safety of God’s protection, we can confidently resist the devil. The result is that Satan flees from us as he did when Jesus resisted him (read Matthew 4:1-11).
Our Obligation
Christ died to give us power over sin. Our obligation is to submit ourselves to God and resist the devil. Are you cooperating with God to chase Satan out of our lives? Do you surrender to God daily?
Lord Jesus, I submit myself to You today. By Your grace and power, I resist the influence of Satan over my life.
Amen,A Wonderful Prayer Sir 🙏
Without submitting to God, we are fare game to the devil.