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How to Be Successful in Everything You Do this New Year

Daily Devotional – Monday, January 2, 2023
Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do.
Joshua 1:7 (NLT)

Now that your New Year resolutions or plans are in place, watch out for the greatest killer of dreams – fear. Thankfully, the Bible provides a solution for fear. More importantly, scripture has a perfect prescription on how to be successful in everything you do.

Will Joshua Succeed in his Mission?

To understand this panacea, let us examine the experience of Joshua when he took over leadership of the Israelites after the death of Moses. Joshua was a warrior and Moses’ assistant for many years but filling the big shoes of Moses was not an easy task.

In Deuteronomy Chapter 34, Moses climbs Mount Nebo, never to descend. For thirty days, the people mourn their departed leader. The leadership transition, though, is smooth, as Joshua receives full acceptance from the Israelites.

How to Prosper Wherever You Go

In His infinite wisdom, though, God reads the mind of Joshua. He knows this great man of war is human has fears, doubts and insecurities. In Joshua 1: 6, 7 & 9, God encourages the new leader to be strong and courageous because the days ahead will be tough.

The Canaanites will not give up their lands, properties and lives without a fight. Their well-equipped armies of valiant warriors will fight back. The new generation of Israelites had not witness the mighty works of God in Egypt and might flee when the enemy fights back.

How to Achieve All You Want

In essence, Joshua will need courage and fearlessness if he is to lead to Israelites into Canaan. God now reminds Joshua that there is a reservoir for accessing these vital qualities at any one time.

The Lord tells Joshua, “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do.” (Joshua 1:7)

Achieving all Your Plans in the New Year

The writings of Moses will be the manual that will propel Joshua to success. He must study the Word of God, meditate on it, and obey God, for him to accomplish the mission. In other words, adherence to scripture is the prerequisite to victory.

As we embark on the New Year, we have numerous hurdles to overcome before we achieve our resolutions and plans. Some of the circumstances and people will we face will fill us with fear. If we do not rely on God and succumb to fear and distractions, we will defer or abandon our plans.

How to be Successful in Everything You Do in the New Year

However, if we become faithful students of the Bible and draw strategies, strength and inspiration from it, we will overcome our fears and realize our dreams. That way, we will be successful in everything we do this New Year.

Now that you know the role of the Word of God in your envisioned success this year, which steps will you take to become a more diligent and active student of the Bible? God wants you to prosper. Cooperate with Him.

Dear Father, I want to prosper wherever I go or set my mind on this year. Help me to become a diligent and obedient student of Your word.

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Duncan Mutwiri Simon

Wonderful message

Solomon mwangi

Trusting you Lord am certain all obstacles ahead I will overcome them and be successful.

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