Daily Devotional – Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Without wood, a fire goes out; without a gossip, a quarrel dies down.
Proverbs 26:20 (NKJV)
The Greek philosopher Socrates, developed the Triple Filter Test. A friend once visited Socrates, and requested to share some information about another friend of Socrates. The thinker gave three conditions before he could listen to the talebearer’s story.
The Critical Tests for Gossips
The first test was on truth. Socrates asked whether the information the man was about to share was true. The snitch mumbled to himself before admitting he could not ascertain the truthfulness of the story.
As the gossip sought to continue with his story, Socrates interrupted him with the second test. Was the information the man intended to disseminate good or kind to the person in question? The blabbermouth admitted that what he was about to share was malicious.
Keep the Information to Yourself
In the third and final test, Socrates wanted to know whether the information the gossip bore was necessary or essential. In other words, what value would he derive from receiving the information? The man replied that the information was worthless to the intended audience.
Socrates concluded by telling the gossipmonger, “If what you want to share about the other person is not true, kind, or necessary, keep it to yourself!” How many injurious and inciting situations would we avoid, if we applied the Triple Filter Test?
Without A Gossip, a Quarrel Dies Down
King Solomon expressed the same principle when he wrote, “Without wood, a fire goes out; without a gossip, a quarrel dies down.” (Proverbs 26:20). The most effective method of extinguishing a fire is to remove the firewood. Similarly, when gossips cease peddling rumors, conflict fizzles out.
Today, determine to always take the Triple Filter Test before you discuss another person, whether you are the source of the information or not. Concerning information that is about to leave your mouth, ask: (1) Is it true? (2) Is it good or fair? (3) Is it necessary? If you fail the any of the three tests, just shut up.
Dear God, always remind me to check the accuracy, fairness and necessity of the information I want to share about others, and keep me away from gossip.
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