Daily Devotional – Thursday, July 14, 2022
…the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out.
John 6:37 (NKJV)
When Amani conceived out of wedlock, she stopped attending church out of guilt and embarrassment. Unfortunately, she miscarried. She concluded that God was punishing her for her sins. Instead of returning to church, she plunged headlong into alcoholism and decadence.
For five years, she rebelled against God, her family and the church. Deep down her heart, she felt a dire longing for peace with God. However, when she considered her sinfulness, she felt that God would not accept her back.
I Will by no Means Cast Out
One day, while attending a funeral Amani listened as the preacher explained that the Biblical prodigal son had returned home in rags and shame and was received with joy. Had he waited until he was good enough, he would have perished in sin and misery.
Amani realized she had wasted many years waiting for the impossible. By her own wisdom and ability, she could not become good enough for the kingdom of God. Finally, she heeded Jesus’ promise, “…the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out.” (John 6:37)
Tarry No Longer in the Bondage of Sin
That day, Amani brought her burdens to Jesus. She realized the Lord was not angry with her. All along, Jesus had been waiting for His prodigal daughter to return home. Now it was the turn of Jesus to cleanse Amani and make her righteous.
How often do we make the same mistake as Amani? We stay away from God waiting to make ourselves better for Him. Instead, we should come to Him as we are so that He makes us worthy.
Lord Jesus, I come to you as I am. Forgive and cleanse me from all sin.
Amen..this is it’s true Christ embrace us for who we are.
He receives us with open arms.
He never tires calling us back home. Amen, Doc.