Daily Devotional – Sunday, November 27, 2022
Lord, teach us to pray…
Luke 11:1 (NKJV)
As listened to the little boy pray in church, I admired his courage. He was far from eloquent but he had an interesting manner of expression. Some of his statements were unintelligible but when he ended his petition, everyone shouted, ‘Amen’.
My rational adult mind, however, told me that, with guidance, the boy could offer better prayers. I wished his parents could teach him how to pray. That way they would be less embarrassed next time the boy prayed in public.
Learning to Pray
Is this not the attitude many of us adopt when we think we are better prayer warriors than other people? Perhaps I am the one who need to learn to pray. How vastly differently would my prayer life be if I adopted the attitude of the twelve disciples!
According to Luke, “Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”” (Luke 11:1).
Modeling the Best Petitioner
As devout Jews, the disciples had learned to pray from an early age. They went to the temple three times a day to offer their petitions. Why, then, would they ask Jesus to teach them how to pray?
One, they admired how Jesus spent time in the presence of His Father. What is it that Jesus would pray for overnight? They must have noted His vitality and effectiveness after communion with His Heavenly Father.
Prayer of Unintelligible Repetitions?
Two, it is possible they listened to some of His prayers. His style must have been markedly different from theirs. He conversed with God as a friend and expressed faith in the Father. If they prayed like Jesus, they concluded, God would hear their prayers.
As I reflect on my prayer life, I realize I need to ask Jesus to teach me how to pray. Some of my prayers are exercise in rote. I find myself reciting familiar empty phrases without attaching meaning to them.
Teach Us to Pray
If Jesus teaches us how to pray, our relationships with Him will be more meaningful and productive. Our prayers will transform us instead of turning us into beggars. We will ask according to His will because our thoughts and motives will be aligned to His will.
If your prayer life had become lifeless and a mere ritual, it is time you asked Jesus to teach you to pray.
Lord Jesus, teach me to pray.
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God bless you.
Lord Teach me how to pray.
Indeed the lord’s prayer is the best Model of prayer.
Amen, Doc.
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