Daily Devotional – Tuesday, May 2, 2023
And he was called the friend of God.
James 2:23 (NKJV)
Middle East people trace their ancestry to Abraham, despite their incessant wars. To Christians, he is the Father of Faith. He epitomizes total trust in God. Apostle James adds another title to Abraham when he states, “And he was called the friend of God.” (James 2:23).
The Vicissitudes of an Alliance
The friendship between God and Abraham is built on trust and faith. Abraham believes in God unquestioningly. The two speak often, as friends ought to do. Abraham respects God and brings up his family in tandem with God’s will.
Like any other friendship, this one has its vicissitudes. For example, Abraham grows weary of waiting for God to give him the promised son. The ageing man, with the help of his wife, devices a shortcut to bear a son. The man of faith fails the test of faith.
A Favour for an Ally of God
This stability of this friendship also comes under threat is when God instructs Abraham to sacrifice the promised son – Isaac. With a heavy heart, Abraham chooses to obey God. His faith has matured than before but this is still a formidable trial. This time, he passes the test.
Further, at one time, Abraham needs God’s favour on behalf of Lot – Abraham’s wayward nephew. The old man intercedes on behalf of Lot in the upcoming destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Because of their special friendship, God mercifully spares lot and his daughters from destruction.
You are My Friends
Theirs is not a perfect friendship, especially from Abraham’s side. Many are the times God has to forgive Abraham and give him yet another chance to live piously. To his credit, Abraham remains in the presence of God even when he strays from God’s grace. He gradually learns to listen to and obey God’s voice.
Abraham’s friend seeks your friendship today. He states, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” (John 15:14). Jesus knows you are not perfect and is willing to transform you gradually if you accept His offer.
The Friend of God
What a privilege it is to be God’s friend! Do you realize you have unrestricted access to Him? Are you aware you can open your heart to Him without fear of being judged? With the Almighty as your friend, you need not worry about anything because He will ensure you do not lack any good thing.
How strong is your alliance with God? Are you investing time to communicate with Him through prayer? Do you dedicate time daily to listen to His voice in the Bible? Are you experiencing attitude and character transformation in this relationship? Can those around you attest that you, like Abraham, are the friend of God?
Dear Jesus, be my friend and help me remain faithful to You.
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Indeed, He is our Friend. Were His character manifested in us, who can be against us? Thank you all. God Bless
Amen, Danvas. Be blessed.
Blessings on you, Martin.