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The Growth We Must all Undergo

Daily Devotional – Saturday, July 6, 2024
…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 3:18 (NKJV)

Our path as Christ’s disciples is characterized by development. Our calling is to never stop growing in our faith and understanding of God’s grace, not to stand still. As we walk with our Lord, growth entails movement, development, and transformation—a journey that takes place day by day.

Grow in Grace and Knowledge

Spiritual growth demands deliberate effort and an open heart, just as physical growth needs sustenance and care. Growth comes from submitting to the activity of the Holy Spirit within us rather than from trying to achieve things in our own strength. God cultivates our hearts, renews our thoughts, and transforms our lives when we submit to Him and His Word.

We must immerse ourselves in Scripture, prayer, and fellowship with fellow Christians if we are to grow in our faith. Moreover, growth frequently entails difficulties and seasons of trimming. In the same way that a gardener prunes branches to enhance yield, God tenderly corrects and polishes us to strengthen our faith and personality.

The Growth We Must all Undergo

God’s love spills over into our life as we get closer to Him, impacting everyone around us and leading others to Him. In a world that much needs His love, our lives become a testament to His faithfulness and grace, reflecting His light and truth.

May we accept the invitation to increase in grace and faith, believing that God, who started a good work in us, will see it through to completion. Since we can daily become more like Christ, let’s support one another on our growth journey. This is the growth that very believer must undergo.

Heavenly Father, please enable us to develop in our knowledge of Your Word, to always seek You, and to be transformed by Your grace.

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