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The Most Important Condition for Answered Prayer

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, July 24, 2024
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
John 14:14 (NKJV)

According to the Apostle John, Jesus outlined the most crucial prerequisite for having a prayer answered. “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it,” declared Jesus. (John 14:14). This assurance addresses the core of prayer and our connection to God via Christ.

If You Ask Anything In My Name

This promise illustrates the close relationship that exists between God’s will and our prayers when we identify with Christ rather than acting as a blank check for our wishes. It is not enough to simply end our prayers with “in Jesus’ name”. We must pray according to His will, his character, and His objectives.

When Jesus promises to do something, it is an assurance of His loyalty and dependability. God always answers our prayers in line with His perfect will, which is based on wisdom and love. He will occasionally say “yes,” “no,” or “wait,” but he will always respond in our best interests.

The Most Important Condition for Answered Prayer

Ask yourself the following questions: How does my reliance on Jesus’ name manifest itself in my prayer life? When I pray, am I lining up my wishes with God’s will? How can I become more confident in God’s answer to my prayers?

This verse captures what is perhaps the most condition for answered prayer. May it inspire you to pray more, seek God’s will fervently, and put your faith in His providence. Keep in mind that God keeps His word and is always available to those who come to Him in the name of Jesus as you walk by faith.

Lord Jesus, I am grateful for Your promise to fulfill my requests made in Your Name.

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Paul Mokua

Thank you so much Lord for answering our prayers. Amen

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