Daily Devotional – Sunday, November 13, 2022
Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
After months of severe drought, we finally were relieved and overjoyed when the rains fell. For many days, the land had become dry and dusty. The scorching sun had decimated the anticipated harvest. Famine had set in and starvation was staring at the people.
The media had treated the citizenry to gory images of dead domestic animals, the hardy camel included. Several mighty elephants, among other wild animals, had succumbed to the drought.
Springs in the Wilderness
Now, after just a few days of rain, the land started turning green. Grass and other weeds came to life. Trees that had shed off their lives and appeared dead sprung to life. Birds suddenly emerged from their hideouts to belt out tunes of joy.
When the rains came, therefore, I remembered this divine promise: “Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19).
Closed Doors and Obstacles
God was referring to the coming days when He would rescue His rebellious people from prolonged captivity by heathen nations. This divine act would be humanly impossible, only comparable to creating rivers in the desert.
This promise reminds me of occasions when I feel abandoned by God because of the tough challenges I am facing. Everywhere I turn, I find obstacles and closed doors. I feel like land that is experiencing prolonged drought. I wonder when God will remember and rescue me.
Respite at Last
Then, suddenly, in His own time, without notice, God remembers my pleas. Before I even notice it, He gives me beauty for ashes. My brown, dusty countenance turns into lush green relief, joy and satisfaction.
Only God can do that for us. It does not matter how long our suffering and pain has lasted. When God speaks forgiveness, healing and restoration in our lives, it will be akin to rivers springing up in the desert, full of life and vigour.
The Relief and Joy of Rivers in the Desert
Will you persevere and be patient as you allow God to perfect His purpose in you through your suffering? Cooperate with God because you will find relief and joy in the rivers that God will create in your desert.
Dear Father, when the drought in my life increases, remind me that it will soon be over and I will find relief and joy in the rivers You will create in my desert.
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