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The Reward of Diligence

Daily Devotional – August 14, 1014
If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NKJV)

Paul’s statement, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat,” may come across as harsh, yet it highlights an important reality about diligence, accountability and community. He stresses that working is an opportunity to participate in God’s plan for human dignity in addition to being a means of making a living.

Neither Shall He Eat

God created work as a basic part of human existence. It is a reflection of God’s creative and sustaining activity in its most basic form. It’s a means of paying homage to Him and improving our communities. We should view work as a privilege and a blessing.

Paul’s caution applies not just to bodily sustenance but also to the ramifications of our acts on a spiritual and community level. As conscientious and devoted members of our communities, we are expected to uphold the virtues of honesty and diligence.

The Reward of Diligence

Mutual respect and assistance are essential to the health of a Christian community. Relationships can suffer and those who are actively trying to address the needs of the society may find it more difficult to deal with idleness. Paul’s command motivates everyone to do their part and maintain the peace and vibrancy of the community.

Consider the ways in which your job, in whatever form it may take, might express your faith. Consider whether there are any aspects of your life where you could be tempted to slack off or where you might need to make a fresh commitment to a work ethic that honors God. Remember that God rewards diligence in both the spiritual and material spheres.

Heavenly Father, please assist me in carrying out my duties with diligence and a grateful heart.

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Jackline kathure

So encouraging

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