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The Root of Wisdom

Daily Devotional – Friday, September 13, 2024
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7 (NKJV)

We often look to wisdom and discernment to help us manage the complexity of life on our spiritual journey. Our key text serves as a reminder that fear of the Lord is the root of true understanding. This “fear” is a deep sense of reverence and awe for our Creator rather than a debilitating dread.

The Beginning of Knowledge

To “fear the Lord” means putting God at the center of our lives. It entails deciding to match our decisions and attitudes with His will and admitting that He is sovereign over all facets of life. Without such an attitude, our search for knowledge may turn selfish and misdirected.

Solomon was known for his wisdom, but his profound relationship with God was the source of this intelligence. He prayed for knowledge so that he could rule his people fairly, not for his own benefit. His experience shows us that wisdom originates from a heart that prioritizes honoring God.

The Root of Wisdom

Think for a moment about situations in your life where you may not have totally respected God’s authority. In what way can you open your heart and life to Him? How can you practice fearing the Lord and putting His wisdom first?

Let us always keep in mind that the root of wisdom is found in having an active relationship with God. Through prayer, diligent study of the Bible, and obedience to Him, may our lives be an expression of the awe we have for Him.

Dear God, please give me the wisdom that emanates from revering You so that my thoughts and deeds are in accordance with Your perfect plan.

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