Daily Devotional – Sunday, August 15, 2021
And Peter remembered the word of Jesus … So he went out and wept bitterly.
Matthew 26:75 (NKJV)
Peter followed Jesus into the judgement room. He joined a group of people who were warning themselves by a fire. That is when his trial began.
A servant girl told Peter, “You also were with Jesus of Galilee.” (Matthew 26:69). Peter pleaded ‘Not Guilty’ by saying, “I do not know what you are saying.” (v. 70).
It did not take long before another girl accused Peter of being a follower of Jesus. This time, He swore, “I do not know the Man!” (v. 72).
How did Peter respond to the third accusation? “Then he began to curse and swear, saying, “I do not know the Man!” (Matthew 26:73-74).
The more they accused him, the more vehemently Peter denied Jesus. Ironically, the public found Peter 100% guilty of following Jesus.
Why was this? Peter had spent long moments with Jesus. Over time, the character and mannerisms of Jesus had rubbed on him. Peter denied the Lord of out fear.
“And Peter remembered the word of Jesus … So he went out and wept bitterly” (v. 75). He regretted and repented of the sin of denying his Master.
Often, we too are guilty of the same sin – denying Jesus in word and deed. The good news is that Jesus will forgive and restore us if we repent of this sin.
It is ironical that if you have walked with Jesus, you are guilty of being a Christian in the eye of the public, even if you deny it.
Today, ask God for courage to stand for Him when under pressure and always.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for the moments I have denied you in word and deed.
I would like to know your views on this devotional. Please leave a comment. Shalom.
Lord I need courage to stand before men without being ashamed of you
Indeed, we all need to pray like this. Blessings.
God give strength to attest my Christianity everytime,and forgive me for the time have denied you. Timely devotion Mr maina, God bless you.
Amen, George. How has heard your prayer.
Matthew 10:33
King James Version
33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven! MUNGU NISAIDIE
True, brother. We need to ask Jesus for more faith to remain steadfast in Him.
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