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Today is Your Best Day

Daily Devotional – Thursday, January 19, 2023
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24 (NKJV)

In his book, The Power of Positive Thinking, the late Norman Vince Peale recalled interacting with a friend who had an interesting daily ritual. Every evening, Peale’s friend would tear out the current date from his calendar, toss it into a dustbin, and thank God for the day gone by.

This is the Day the LORD has Made

Realizing, he could do nothing about the past, he would submit himself to God for the new day. As Jesus noted in Matthew 6:34, “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (NIV) Therefore, it made no sense to carry the burdens of tomorrow into the current day.

Peale’s friend embraced the new day as a gift from God. Psalms 118:24 summarizes this man’s attitude: “This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” How different would our days be if we adopted this attitude?

Making the Present Count

We would focus on the tasks of the day and seek to deliver the best service or products possible. Every minute would be an opportunity to make life better for others and ourselves. We would work with joy and gratitude.

If we treated every day as a present from God, we would treat ourselves with love and kindness. Instead of being stressed and worried all the time, we would turn our burdens to the Giver of the day for He holds our lives in His hands.

‘Grant Us Success’

How would we treat others? Well, since the same God gives the day to us, we would be more considerate of their feelings. We would watch our words and actions towards them. Their triumphs and failures would become opportunities to celebrate and sympathize with them, respectively.

Yesterday is gone forever. You are not assured of tomorrow. Rejoice and be glad today. Ask God to save you from trouble and give you success (Psalm 118:25). Invest your time in activities that bring joy to yourself, your family, and your society.

Today is Your Best Day

Today is your best day; twenty-four hours of blessings from the Almighty. If you knew you would not live to see tomorrow, how differently would you live today? Do exactly that, and this will indeed be the day the Lord has made for you.

Thank You, God, for giving me the best day of my life. Help me to live happily, responsibly, and reverently.

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