Daily Devotional – Sunday, March 9, 2025
For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NKJV)
It is possible that some Thessalonian Christians had become lazy because they misinterpreted Christ’s second coming and believed they were exempt from labor. Paul responded by outlining a clear principle: labor is a God-ordained obligation rather than a discretionary one.
If Anyone Will Not Work
Adam was tasked with caring for the garden before humanity sinned against God. Thus, far from being a curse, work is a blessing. What is critical is the attitude with which we approach work. Work enables us to assist others, meet our own needs, and exalt God.
We ought to regard our work as a kind of worship, regardless of whether it takes place at an office, a house, or another location. Since work is ultimately done for God’s glory, approach it with honesty and dedication, knowing that your real employer is God Himself.
Understanding Work from a Divine Perspective
Spiritual stagnation can result from being idle. In addition to having an adverse effect on our own health, being lazy can also unnecessarily burden other people. However, even while we are required to labor diligently, we should remember that God is the source of our ultimate supply. He provides for our necessities when we work faithfully, and He blesses our efforts.
Work is meant to bring honor to the name of God, not just to be about making a living. Given that every activity we perform reveals we are committed to our Creator. Therefore, let us be conscientious, accountable, and faithful workers.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the ability to work and to support myself and others. Empower me to work hard and joyfully while prioritizing Your honor.
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