Daily Devotional – Sunday, June 30, 2024
And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!
Mark 13:37 (NKJV)
Jesus discusses end-of-the-world signals with his disciples in Mark 13 and emphasizes the need of being alert and prepared for his second coming. In verse 37, Jesus states, “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch,” This statement transcends time and place, and captures an important lesson for every believer.
Be Vigilant!
In a spiritual sense, to “watch” is to be alert, aware, and focused. Jesus exhorts us to actively participate in our spiritual journey rather than to be spiritually apathetic or preoccupied. We are asked to defend our hearts, minds, and souls against the influences that could turn us away from God, just as a guard stands watch to keep an eye out for danger.
We should remain vigilant because Jesus will return at an unknown time. Living a life that pleases God and preserving a strong relationship with him by prayer and Scripture study are further aspects of watching. Moreover, watching means maintaining a firm grasp on our faith, eschewing the seduction of sin, and choosing to please God.
How are we going to watch? First, by staying in touch with God through consistent prayer and Bible study. Second, by surrounding ourselves with like-minded people who will both challenge and support us on our spiritual journey. Third, by making the most of our time, abilities, and assets to exalt God and advance His kingdom.
As we follow Jesus’ instruction to keep an eye out, let us live each day knowing that He will return soon. Further we must make the choice to live a life worthy of him. When the time comes for us to meet our Lord in person, let us be found to have been faithful and watchful. Watch! The Lord commands.
By your grace and power, I will heed Your call and watch.
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Thank you, Paul. God bless you.