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We Have an Advocate

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, July 17, 2024
My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
1 John 2:1 (NKJV)

There are times in our daily lives when we fail to live up to God’s glory. We battle sin, flaws, and shortcomings in spite of our greatest efforts. Thankfully, the apostle John assures us, “We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

Our Righteous Lawyer

An advocate speaks for us, takes up our cause, and represents us. Jesus Christ is our attorney in the courtroom of heaven, where the just judge sits. He plays a crucial role in representing us with unmatched grace and veracity.

Jesus is the ideal representative since He is “the Righteous One.” When we sin, the righteousness of Jesus covers our transgressions. He offers our request for forgiveness to the Father, not just by words but also by His own sacrifice, laying the groundwork for it with His atoning work.

We Have an Advocate

While having Jesus us our advocate does not imply we should treat sin lightly, it gives us comfort in knowing that our shortcomings do not spell the end for us. Instead, Jesus provides us with a constant, dependable source of support.

Because we have an Advocate with the Father, let us come to God and confess our sins. May we develop a regular connection with Jesus by reading the Bible and praying. Let us allow discard fear and guilt. Remember, with Jesus us our lawyer, we have hope and confidence as we await the judgement.

Dear Father, thank Your for the gift of Jesus Christ, our Advocate, sinful human beings.

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Paul Mokua

Amen and thanks be to God for giving us a sure advocate.


Thanks be to God, for the provision of the best defense attorney through Jesus Christ.
Reminds me In the words of the a song “I stood in the courtroom, the judge turned my way
It looks like you’re guilty now what do you say?
I spoke up, “Your honor, I have no defense”
But that’s when Jesus walked in”

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