Daily Devotional – Monday, September 25, 2023
The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, and a man is valued by what others say of him.
Proverbs 27:21 (NKJV)
The road construction work came to a standstill. Amateur miners had invaded the construction site after one of the earthmovers unearthed a vein of gold. They carted away sacks of ore they believed contained gold.
A Man is Valued By What Others Say of Him
In the next few days, the miners placed the ore in a furnace to separate the precious metal from the soil. The fire burned impurities and retained the gold. Without the refining power of the furnace, the miners could not claim to own gold.
Centuries ago, King Solomon applied the gold refining motif to teach people how to deal with praise and flattery. He wrote, “The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, and a man is valued by what others say of him.” (Proverbs 27:21).
The Influence of Praise and Flattery
What others say about you is similar to what the furnace does to the ore. Praise and flattery from friends and foes alike reveal our true character. What people discuss about you may contain both truth and lies, but how you deal with it reveals your true nature.
For example, if you are averse to criticism, you might react with aggression and insults instead of acknowledging where you are wrong and making the necessary amends. Criticism, then, is the fire that refines you and reveals the gold in you, whether good or bad.
What Does Jesus Say About You?
Similarly, if you love flattery, you expose yourself to misuse and ridicule because you love to please human being. You might hate people you have never met to please your sycophants and praise singers. Adulation is your furnace and your reaction is the gold.
What you need is inner character transformation, which does not depend on the opinions of others. When Christ dwells in you through the Holy Spirit, praise or flattery will not influence your conduct. What Jesus thinks and says about you will matter more than what others say about you.
What Do Others Say About You?
On the flipside, if what others say about you is genuinely negative, do not ignore the message. It means you need to experience the refining furnace of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. What do others say about you? It does not matter if you are in tandem with God’s will.
Heavenly Father, I submit myself to the refining furnace of the Holy Spirit and Your word. Make me a worthy representative of Your kingdom on earth.
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