Daily Devotional – Sunday, December 11, 2022
Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”
John 1:38 (NIV)
“What do you want?” I often ask young people this question when I want to specify the kind of advice or assistance they seek from me. Incidentally, the answer is more helpful to the questioner than to me.
What are You Looking For?
Jesus asked the same question to two of John the Baptist’s disciples, who decided to follow Him (Jesus) after listening to John’s description of the Messiah. “Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “Where are you staying?” (John 1:38).
Did the duo answer the question correctly? Why would they ask where Jesus was staying when He had asked them what they were seeking? Well, perhaps they actually wanted to know Jesus’ residence.
What Do You Seek?
In contrast, Jesus wanted them to define their intentions for following Him. Were they merely excited by John’s statements about Jesus, or did they want to know the Messiah on a personal level?
The Lord did not rebuke the two disciples. Instead, He invited them to come to where He was staying. The pair spent the night and left the following morning. Their interaction with Jesus must have been productive because Andrew introduced his brother (Peter) to Jesus soon after.
What Motivates Faith?
Jesus still asks us the same question. “What do you want?” What exactly made me accept Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord? Why do I keep following Him? Do I understand what following Jesus really means?
Am I a Christian because I fear going to hell or because I desire to live eternally with Jesus? Do I follow Christ because of the material gains I expect from Him or because His unconditional love pulls me to Him?
What Do You Want?
What do you want? Is it a life without trouble? Are you looking for a carefree sort of religion that allows you to live as you want as long as you profess Jesus? Do you want to serve Jesus under His terms or your personal demands?
Lord Jesus, please help me define my motives for following You. May my greatest reason be Your immense unconditional love for a vile sinner like me.
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