Daily Devotional – July 7, 2023
“For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” Says the LORD, who has mercy on you.
Isaiah 54:10 (NKJV)
In my traditional culture, people would pray facing the mountain. They believed God dwelt in these lofty and mysterious places. There is something divine and inspirational about mountains. They evoke feelings of dependability, perpetuity, firmness, and stability. Is there anything more stable that a mountain?
Like Mount Zion that Cannot be Moved
The psalmist also sang about mountains. He stated, “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” (Psalms 125:1). Mount Zion was immovable and so is the person whose trust is in the Lord. Mountains also symbolized the salvation of God, which is readily available to the faithful (Psalm 121:1).
In Isaiah, however, we encounter a contrasting mountain motif: mountains are movable! Here is a powerful promise you may want to memorize:
“”For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” Says the LORD, who has mercy on you.” (Isaiah 54:10).
More Unwavering than Hills
In essence, mountains and hills may appear stable and immovable but they can move. Not so with God’s kindness, mercy and reliability. Mountains in this case represent people and earthly objects that man holds in highest regard. Wealth, education, power, influence, political leaders, friends and family are some of the seemingly unshakeable mountains in our lives.
According to Isaiah, our hills may and will disappoint us when we really need them but God will remain forever available for us if we trust in Him fully. Even when we have strayed from God and defiled ourselves in sin, God is willing to accept us as we are because He loves us unconditionally.
What is More Stable than a Mountain?
Today, God reminds you that His kindness, mercy and love are always available if you surrender to Him. When you feel worthless, hopeless, misunderstood and forsaken, take refuge in God’s kindness and mercy, which are more stable than a mountain.
Dear God, thank You because I can rejoice in your kindness, which is more unwavering than a mountain.
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Faith is what has kept us going
Amen. May it continue to be so, Pastor.