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What It Means to Walk With God

Daily Devotional – Saturday, June 8, 2024
And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.
Genesis 5:24 (NKJV)

It is a meaningful and personal journey to walk with God. It goes beyond only upholding moral standards and religious rites. It’s about developing a connection characterized by ongoing contact, obedience, and trust with the Creator.

Enoch Walked With God

According to Genesis 5:24, “Enoch walked with God.” This expression alludes to a daily existence spent in intimate communion with God. Because of Enoch’s profound and continuous relationship with God, God whisked him away one day without allowing him to go through the experience of death.

Believing in God’s goodness, wisdom, and sovereignty—even in the face of difficult circumstances—is the first step towards walking with Him. We are also called to a life of prayer and listening, just as Enoch had an ongoing conversation with God. Our continued dialogue with Him deepens our relationship and reawakens our hearts to His will.

What It Means to Walk With God

Following God also means being obedient, which entails abiding by His Word and letting the Holy Spirit direct our choices and behaviors. It also entails living by faith and having confidence that He will reward those who seek Him out sincerely. Even in situations where it seems impossible, our faith keeps us moving forward.

Think about your relationship with God. Do you really trust Him? Are you reading Scripture and praying to Him in a continuous dialogue? Do you walk by faith and in accordance with His instructions? Seek the Holy Spirit to show you any opportunities to get closer to God. In our walk with God, progress, not perfection, is what matters.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for allowing me to walk with You. Please help me to live according to Your Word, to seek You out sincerely, and to trust You more every day.

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