Daily Devotional: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
What more could have been done to My vineyard That I have not done in it?
Isaiah 5:4 (NKJV)
The dejected father stood a distance away from the prison bus. Suddenly, the old man’s voice shattered the heavy and gloomy silence that blanketed the courtyard. “Why, son? Why did you choose this path? What did I withhold from you?”
The unrepentant boy looked back at the father with an emotionless face, then turned and boarded the bus.
He was a wealthy man. His children had an enviable upbringing. Unfortunately, his only son had deviated from the right path and become a violent robber, despite multiple warnings.
God was in a similar situation with ancient Israel in Isaiah 5. He compared Israel to a vineyard that He had cultivated and nurtured to the highest standards. “So He expected it to bring forth good grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes” (verse 2).
God’s anguish is captured in verse 4: “What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have not done in it?” The stark difference between the effort and the result was disheartening.
Is it possible that God is experiencing the same anguish when He considers our situation as Christians? I died for you. I have given you my Holy Spirit. I will forgive your sins and heal your diseases. I listen to and answer your prayers.
Why don’t you produce fruits of righteousness? Why do you keep on nailing me on the cross? What else could I have done for you that I have not done so that you keep sinning? Have I not demonstrated that I love you?
Lord Jesus, forgive me for the many ways I keep hurting you. Give me power to overcome Satan and sin.
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Our God is indeed a gracious God ,bestowing his benovolent mercies to us despite our wayward nature ,,may we be transformed and not.be like the israelites who continually rebelled against God .
Indeed, He is. He has done everything. Now it’s our part.
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