Daily Devotional – Sunday, October 9, 2022
Night is coming, when no one can work.
John 9:4 (NKJV)
What time did Adam and Eve go to sleep? I guess they retired to bed at sunset, just as animals did. The sun regulated their routines, waking them up and sending them off to sleep. The day was for work and the night for rest.
The Time when no One can Work
I underwent an almost similar experience while working in an arid area that had no electricity. All workplaces and businesses shut down as darkness approached. Night signified rest and sleep.
I find a comparable principle at work in Jesus’ teachings when He tells His hearers, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4).
Jesus is alluding to the prevailing favourable conditions for spreading the Gospel. Soon after, the devil will ensure Christ is dead then persecute and kill the latter’s disciples.
Time Unwisely Spent
The time the disciples are living in is comparable to day. They must preach the good news then. Nighttime represents the approaching time of trials when God’s messengers cannot work effectively.
If we refuse to preach at a time of relative peace (day) in out societies and nations, we will be forced to do it in chaotic environments (night). Similarly, if we reject the love Jesus offers freely, one day, we will regret but it will be too late.
What Time is it?
As King Solomon observes in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, there is a time for everything. Our safety and prosperity lies in discerning times and taking relevant action. We cannot do in the day what we should do at night and vice versa.
What time is it for you? What daytime activities are you neglecting? Take heed lest you find yourself working at night.
Lord Jesus, teach me how to discern the time I am living in and the opportunities I should exploit.
one writer stresses the value of this time by saying it is beyond computation. That Christ regarded every moment as precious, and it is thus that we should regard it. Life is too short to be trifled away. We have but a few days of probation in which to prepare for eternity. We have no time to waste, no time to devote to selfish pleasure, no time for the indulgence of sin. It is now that we are to form characters for the future, immortal life. It is now that we are to prepare for the searching judgment. COL 342.2
What an insight! Thanks for sharing, Doc.
Reminds me of a song, Work for the night is coming, Work through the sunny noon; Fill brightest hours with labor, Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to keep in store; Work for the night is coming, When man works no more.
Amen, Doc.