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What to do When in Trouble

Daily Devotional – Thursday, October 3, 2024
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 (NKJV)

Jesus addresses our hearts directly in today’s guiding scripture. Rather than promising a life without difficulties, He gets us ready for the hardships we shall encounter. With all of its demands and uncertainties, this world can often feel too much to handle, but Jesus offers us His calm in the midst of this tumult.

I’ve Conquered the World

Jesus is aware that we can become depressed when we consider life’s problems, whether they are interpersonal difficulties, personal hardships, or the weight of major world challenges. He comforts us in the face of impending adversity by saying, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

When you are in trouble, pray to God. Consider His promises, and allow His words to ease your nervousness. Think about keeping a journal in which you record your prayers and the serenity that follows. Talk about your challenges with other believers. Jesus frequently operated in communities, and we can experience His peace by looking out for one another.

What to do When in Trouble

When in trouble, remember that Christ overcame sin and death. Allow this reality to give you the confidence and faith to face your own struggles. Let your words and deeds proclaim the good news of Christ’s victory while you go about your everyday business. Be a beacon of peace to others around you, indicating that even amid trouble, we may have joy because of what He has done.

Lord, grant me the confidence to confront the hardships of this world, knowing I am a conqueror in You.

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