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What to Do with a Gift

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Freely you have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:8 (NKJV)

What do you do with a gift? “Freely you have received” is a provocation to stop and consider how generous God has been to us both materially and spiritually. God’s generosity has freely bestowed upon us forgiveness, peace with God, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the assurance of eternal life.

Freely Give What You Have Received

Jesus challenges us to emulate God’s generosity in our lives by saying, “Freely give“. God freely grants us love, salvation and forgiveness, hence the need for us to treat others with grace, love, and kindness without asking for anything in return. We are to freely give our time, talents, forgiveness, compassion, and monetary belongings in service to others.

The directive to give without restriction is a declaration of faith in God’s supply. Giving selflessly expresses our faith that God will continue to provide all of our needs in accordance with His glory and wealth. This faith releases us from concerns about our personal safety and allows us to concentrate on helping others and furthering God’s plan for the kingdom.

What to Do with a Gift

Furthermore, freely giving is a call to faithful stewardship of God’s gifts. Whether they are material, relational, or spiritual resources, we are entrusted with them and held responsible for how we use them. Our dedication to honoring God with our lives and our thankfulness for all He has handed to us are reflected in our stewardship.

What do you do with a gift? God challenges us to be thankful and generous. May we fully embrace this attitude, understanding that when we give freely, we show the world—which is in desperate need of God’s grace—what our loving and giving Heavenly Father is like. Freely you have received, freely give.

Almighty Father, thank You for giving me everything I need. Help me to extend Your generosity to others.

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