Daily Devotional – Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Whatever He says to you, do it.
John 2:5 (NKJV)
Today, my children and I participated on one of our favourite hobbies – cooking. This pastime gives me an opportunity to teach them the importance of following instructions.
The children prepare the ingredients meticulously. I then help them follow the recipe to the letter for best results.
The young ones understand that if we omit some ingredients or skip a step in the instructions, the meal will not be as nutritious and delicious as envisioned.
Whatever He Says To You, Do It
Later today, when as we enjoyed the meal, the story of the wedding at Cana of Galilee came to mind. Here, Jesus performed His first miracle – turning water into wine.
Mary’s word to the servants at the wedding are particularly intriguing. Concerning Jesus, she tells them, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:5). Mary knows her Son has divine powers, but the servants are oblivious.
Now, the servants must have had a lot of faith in Mary for them to follow Jesus’ instructions. Imagine a stranger instructing experienced brewers to fill water-pots, then draw the water and serve it to the wedding guests as wine!
Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
I believe that the servants had serious doubts in the abilities of Jesus to brew instant wine. In their hearts and among themselves, they may have questioned the instructions. However, they remembered Mary’s words, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
Like these servants, we must do whatever Jesus instructs us if we are to succeed in our temporal and spiritual endeavours. Even when we think God’s instructions are illogical and unrealistic, we must walk by faith and not by sight.
What is God telling you to do today? Just follow the instructions. You do not need to know everything. Trust that if you do whatever He tells you to do, you, and those around you, will find genuine and lasting joy.
Lord Jesus, whatever You tell me to do today, I will do it.
Amen. If we can live in obedience to this golden rules and instructions we shall always be filled with the glory of His presence, power and blessing.
Well-stated, Doc. God bless you
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