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When Christ is Your Peace

Daily Devotional – Monday, February 24, 2025
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation.
Ephesians 2:14 (NKJV)

Today, Paul reminds us that Jesus is not merely a provider of peace; He is actually our peace. Christ destroyed the obstacles that used to separate people from God and from each other by dying on the cross. Jesus is the one who provides harmony and reconciliation to the differences that exist throughout families, communities, and nations.

He is Our Peace

Because of sin, we were cut off from God. However, He took that obstacle away with His sacrifice, allowing us to speak directly to the Father. We can now experience actual peace—not the kind that the world offers, but the profound, unwavering serenity that results from having our relationship with God restored.

Christ also wants us to coexist peacefully with one another. When we consider how He reconciled us to the Father, our best response would be to extend forgiveness, love, and peace to others.

When Christ is Your Peace

Is it your desire that Jesus would remove any obstacles from your heart that hinder you from being a peacemaker? How can you promote harmony in your church, business, or family? Are you clinging to anxiety and fear, or are you actually finding rest in the serenity that Jesus provides?

Try to find harmony in your relationships by showing others forgiveness and grace. Ask God to give you the courage to reach out to a person who requires your forgiveness. Allow the peace of Christ to permeate you! When Christ is your peace, those around you will notice and give glory to God.

Lord Jesus, thank You because You are my peace. Make me an instrument of Your peace wherever I am.

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