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When Christians Suffer

Daily Devotional – Friday, February 28, 2025
Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.
1 Peter 4:16 (NKJV)

Although we are privileged and blessed to be followers of Jesus, being a Christian is not without its difficulties. Peter reminds that suffering for the sake of Christ is an opportunity to exalt God, as opposed to being a reason to feel ashamed.

If Anyone Suffers as a Christian

Adhering to our beliefs may result in rejection from friends, mockery from coworkers, or in certain cases, persecution. However, Peter reassures us that we shouldn’t give up if we suffer since we are called by Christ. We ought to celebrate the fact that we are deemed deserving of suffering in His name instead.

Jesus Himself endured anguish, ridicule, and rejection. We follow in His footsteps when we face difficulties because of our faith. God calls us to stand firmly when the devil tempts us to hide or compromise our beliefs. It is not in vain that we go through hardship for the sake of Jesus. Indeed, it honors Him and fortifies our witness to the world.

When Christians Suffer

Even if someone questions your beliefs, don’t be ashamed of it. Remind yourself that you are safe in Jesus. Be compassionate, patient, and humble like Christ when you encounter resistance. Even though hardship is challenging, consider it a privilege to be connected to Christ. Allow it to bring you nearer to Him. Knowing that God is glorified by your suffering, live bravely and without shame of the gospel!

Heavenly Father, give me the bravery and fortitude to persevere through the difficulties I encounter because of my faith. Allow my life to serve as an example of Your love and grace.

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