Daily Devotional – Friday, September 23, 2022
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV)
Whenever I am going through difficult moments, and God appears to hide His face, my rational faculties take over. I go into prayer with a clear idea of what I want God to do for me. My prayer is complete with mental diagrams and maps. I state the place, time, quantities and qualities of what I want God to do for me.
Precise Prayers
Well, there is nothing wrong with being specific about what I want God to give me. Indeed, it is Jesus who taught us, “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.” (Matthew 6:7).
However, being precise does not mean that God will give us exactly what we ask for. Apostle John states, “…if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14). God only grants requests that are aligned to His will.
Exceedingly Abundantly Above our Expectations
There is an interesting aspect of God I have come to appreciate over time. Paul summarizes this quality thus, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20).
Is it not wonderful that God can grant us more than we ask for? Indeed, sometimes we ask God for less than what He has in store for us. Then, He chooses to surprise us with blessings beyond what we have ever imagined.
God Answers Prayers Beyond Our Imagination
In other words, God can give us what we did not ask for because it was below His plans for us. It now makes sense to always end our prayers with this statement, “…not as I will, but as You will.” (Matthew 26:39). It is time we learned not to limit God to human thinking and abilities because He can answer prayers beyond our imagination.
Lord Jesus, give me exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think because You answers are beyond my imagination.
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