Daily Devotional – Monday, February 20, 2022
“Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the LORD is with him.”
1 Samuel 16:18 (NKJV)
If we analyze resumes by length, we will have a continuum. On the lower end will be the one-page type of resumes from fresh graduates. The upper limit will be the novel-length CVs of seasoned scholars.
Now, the length of a curriculum vita is not necessarily a replica of the quality of the content. I know some individuals who have no college education and whose experiential resume could exceed the 91-page CV of a retired university lecturer.
When a distressing spirit troubled King Saul, his advisors recommended hiring a skilled a harpist. The musician would play the instrument whenever the spirit would afflict the king to provide relief to the monarch.
“Seek out a Man who is a Skillful Player on the Harp”
Immediately the job description leaked, one of the king’s advisors reported that he knew just the right man for the job.
“Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the LORD is with him.” (1 Samuel 16:18).
The king’s handlers might have expected a one-page resume; they got much more than they had asked for. Not only was David dexterous with the harp, he was also a courageous warrior and orator. Perhaps, if need arose, he might act as the king’s bodyguard!
…and The LORD is With Him…
What a resume! The detailed content matched the quality, skills and experience. In addition, David had an added advantage over other interested applicants. The report stated, “…and the LORD is with him.” (1 Samuel 16:18).
On hearing this, King Saul did not ask for other resumes. He hired David without seeing the young man. There was even no need of an interview. Saul needed God’s presence and assurance. David would come in handy.
When God is in Your Resume
I am not sure about you, but I want those who read my resume to confess that the Lord is with me. I want those who interact with me (my interviewers, employers and colleagues) to confirm, “The Lord is with this man.”
I want to bring more than academic and professional excellence to my work and social life. I want God to be with me so that I introduce Him to those I intermingle with every day. I want God in my resume.
Lord Jesus, imbue so much that people who read my academic, professional and material achievement, can also attest that You are with me.
God does does not choose people with certain qualities. Sometimes qualities that are not seen by people
Indeed. Looking at the call of Saul and lots of us…
Thanks for your comment, Danvas
Thank you, Pastor. My take on this is that when God has a task to be undertaken, He prepares those to do it by equipping them with necessary skills and qualities. When you add godliness to those qualities, God’s work succeeds. God gave David skills and abilities which later helped with Saul’s situation.
Have bee enlightened.
Amen, Danvas
And those who has the Lord in their resume are prosperous as it was said of Joseph..
“The LORD was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man…” Genesis 39:2
Amen, Doc. Thank you for citing the example of Joseph to help readers understand that it is possible to have the Lord on our side.
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