Daily Devotional – Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.
Isaiah 30:21 (NKJV)
A shepherd is expected to lead his flock to the pastures. The sheep follow their master as he clears obstacles and as he identifies the best areas for the animals to graze. However, there are cases where the shepherd walks behind the sheep, speaking unequivocally to the animals, issuing instructions and warnings.
Unambiguous Instructions
Whenever this happens, the sheep must listen keenly to the shepherd’s voice. When they come to a crossroad and are confused as to which path to take, their safety and success, lies in faithfully listening to and obeying the shepherd’s instructions.
The shepherd is a teacher to the sheep. He will issues instructions in one instance and admonition in the next. Sometimes the sheep may feel the master is too hard on them but they know better not to disobey him.
This is the Way, Walk in it
This image of a herder walking behind the sheep and whispering or shouting instructions appears to have been on the mind of Prophet Isaiah when he told the Israelites: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21).
Picture God, walking behind you, and giving you specific instructions on the decisions you should make in life. How often have you felt the need for an unequivocal voice from heaven, telling you what you should or should not do?
The LORD Speaks Clearly
That is exactly what God is promising in this passage. He wants to be your ever-present Teacher and Guide. The LORD knows what lies ahead. He will ensure you live productively and avoid the devil’s snares. The only condition is that you obey His voice and make choices that are in tandem with His will.
Even now. God is speaking in your conscience. The Holy Spirit is impressing on you the need to choose good and reject evil. He speaks to you about relationships, careers, spirituality and a host of other issues. If you listen carefully, you will hear Him say, “This is the way, walk in it.”
When God Speaks Unequivocally
Whenever you have to make a decision, pause and listen to God’s voice, speaking to you through your conscience, circumstances, other people and God’s word. When God speaks unequivocally, will you listen to and obey His voice?
Thank you God because You always speak unequivocally, giving me instructions and warnings. Teach me to listen to You always.
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Welcome, Pastor
Amen! May I always heed to the voice of God and in obedience follow what He tells me,on our own we may not know which way to go,for there may be a way that seems right us but in the end it leads to destruction, Proverbs 14:12 ,but where the lord directs, sure we can trust Him for He is our good chief shepherd.
Amen, Elder.