Daily Devotional – Saturday, November 5, 2022
Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me. Fight against those who fight against me.
Psalms 35:1 (NIV)
In a world full of bullies, nothing is better than having a mighty warrior by one’s side. A bully was chasing a little terrified girl. Just when the tormentor was about to catch the girl, her brother appeared. The enemy turned away in fright as the girl leaped into the arms of her protector.
God the Almighty Warrior
David must have felt like this girl when he was writing Psalms 35. Apparently, powerful enemies were after the king, and he felt helpless. He cried out to God, “Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me. Fight against those who fight against me.” (Verse 1).
David had a perfect description of how he wanted God to step out when confronting the enemy: “Take up shield and armor. Arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin
against those who pursue me. Say to me, “I am your salvation.”” (Verse 2-3).
Fighting Formidable Foes
The son of Jesse wanted to see God in action. His situation demanded the active participation of God in the fight against evil forces. These foes were intent on destroying David. His only hope was God’s intervention.
Like David and the little girl, we are often pushed into situations of desperation. We find ourselves trapped by life’s circumstances and malicious people. Like the Israelites after leaving Egypt, we see no way out because behind us and before us are impossibilities.
When God Fights Our Battles
When this happens, nothing pleases God more than us inviting Him to fight our battles. Whether we are struggling with the sin that clings to us like a tick or we are striving with addictions and difficult people, God the warrior is ready to come to our aid when we call Him.
The Almighty God is ready to put on His armour and confront our enemies. When we express our helplessness without Him and surrender to His sovereignty, He vows, “I will contend with those who contend with you.” (Isaiah 49:25).
God the Warrior Fights for His Faithful
Which losing battles are you fighting today? In which area of your life do you feel helpless? Will you invite Jesus today to contend with those who contend with you and fight those who fight against you? Take your battles to the knees and allow God to fight for you.
My Almighty Divine Warrior, I am helpless without You. Come and fight against my enemies.
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